Focus on the fans

I have spent the last fifteen years working with brands who didn't try to win the entire market--they just tried to create a group of loyal, raving fans. Our belief was that a small group of passionate fans was more valuable than a large amount of lackluster customers. It's Chick-fil-A rather than McDonald's. It's Trader Joe's rather than Walmart. It's Apple rather than Microsoft PC's.

And I think it's safe to say that the results are in and investing in raving fans is worth it.

It doesn’t matter how many people don’t get it. What matters is how many people do.
— Tim Ferriss

Stop trying to get everyone to love you. Identify who your ideal customer is--then make that definition even more narrow and specific.

Now try to figure out how to create the perfect experience for that customer. Go only where they are. Ignore the crowds and win them as raving fans.

Because it doesn't matter if everyone sort of likes you. What matters is how many people become raving fans of you!


Don’t take it personally


What’s your time focus?