Play the right game

It doesn’t matter whether you win or not if the game you’re playing is the wrong game.

Amassing power in your career and accumulating a lot of money is famous as a deathbed regret. It’s not wrong to possess wealth or a significant title, but it’s ultimately not good to make that the primary purpose of your life.

 Pursuing pleasure is equally infamous as a bad bargain. What makes me feel the best right now will often make tomorrow much worse for me.

 Avoiding loss and pain seems like a wise path. After considering all this, you may realize that the single greatest regret of those who are dying is that they did not take more risks, have more adventures, love more aggressively, and engage more in the wild ride of life.

 All of this brings us to the big question: What “game” should we be playing? Oh, and what game are you playing these days?


Setting goals


How we treat others