
Tony Campolo did a survey of fifty 95-yr old people, asking what they would do differently in their life if they could. Their answers struck a deep chord in me:

1. Reflect more

2. Risk more

3. Do more things that would live on after they are gone

I admit that I need to reflect more. I've gotten so busy that I filled up all my margin, so I'm working on my “stop doing” list to get some thinking space back in my life.

Which of these are you currently doing well?

Which of these do you need to do more?

A book that I love:

Thinking in Bets by Annie Duke. This is the best book on disciplined, strategic thinking that I've read in a long time, maybe the best I've read overall. It managed to be humble and challenge me. It gave me a broad understanding and specific situations. And, unlike many of the others I've read in this category, the author didn't indulge in trying to push her politics as the most rational.

 I recommend this for everyone who makes decisions (which is everyone). :)


Small Changes

